Terry Yin is a programmer for life, a reflective practitioner. He has rich experience in the software industry. Terry has been working at Nokia for 10 years mostly in R&D management and Adaptive transformation before joining Odd-e. He has coached Large Scale Scrum and software development technical practices in a large variety of software companies. Terry has been an active programmer for more than 25 years, crossing many domains. He’s open source software static analyser (https://github.com/terryyin/lizard) is used in many large organization, e.g. Nokia, Ericsson and even the Atlas experiment at CERN. He's also the developer of the https://less.works web site. He’s also an experienced trainer and conference speaker.
Terry Yin is a programmer for life, a reflective practitioner. He has rich experience in the software industry. Terry has been working at Nokia for 10 years mostly in R&D management and Adaptive transformation before joining Odd-e. He has coached Large Scale Scrum and software development technical practices in a large variety of software companies. Terry has been an active programmer for more than 25 years, crossing many domains. He’s open source software static analyser (https://github.com/terryyin/lizard) is used in many large organization, e.g. Nokia, Ericsson and even the Atlas experiment at CERN. He's also the developer of the https://less.works web site. He’s also an experienced trainer and conference speaker.
Terry Yin ist ein Programmierer fürs Leben, ein reflektierender Praktiker. Er verfügt über reiche Erfahrung in der Softwarebranche. Terry Yin hat 10 Jahre lang bei Nokia gearbeitet, hauptsächlich in den Bereichen F&E-Management und Adaptive Transformation, bevor er zu Odd-e kam. Er hat Large Scale Scrum und technische Praktiken der Softwareentwicklung in einer Vielzahl von Softwareunternehmen gecoacht. Terry ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren ein aktiver Programmierer, der in vielen Bereichen tätig ist. Sein Open Source Software Static Analyzer (https://github.com/terryyin/lizard) wird in vielen großen Unternehmen eingesetzt, z.B. bei Nokia, Ericsson und sogar beim Atlas Experiment am CERN. Er ist auch der Entwickler der Website https://less.works. Er ist auch ein erfahrener Trainer und Konferenzredner.