Terry Yin is a programmer for life, a reflective practitioner. He has rich experience in the software industry. Terry has been working at Nokia for 10 years mostly in R&D management and Adaptive transformation before joining Odd-e. He has coached Large Scale Scrum and software development technical practices in a large variety of software companies. Terry has been an active programmer for more than 25 years, crossing many domains. He’s open source software static analyser (https://github.com/terryyin/lizard) is used in many large organization, e.g. Nokia, Ericsson and even the Atlas experiment at CERN. He's also the developer of the https://less.works web site. He’s also an experienced trainer and conference speaker.

Terry Yin is a programmer for life, a reflective practitioner. He has rich experience in the software industry. Terry has been working at Nokia for 10 years mostly in R&D management and Adaptive transformation before joining Odd-e. He has coached Large Scale Scrum and software development technical practices in a large variety of software companies. Terry has been an active programmer for more than 25 years, crossing many domains. He’s open source software static analyser (https://github.com/terryyin/lizard) is used in many large organization, e.g. Nokia, Ericsson and even the Atlas experiment at CERN. He's also the developer of the https://less.works web site. He’s also an experienced trainer and conference speaker.

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