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February 21, 2022

 - published by 

Konstantin Ribel

Twin Cities LeSS - October 2021

Twin Cities LeSS - Oktober 2021 - Konstantin Ribel / The Parallel Org

See the original here -> www.youtube.com/watch

Konstantin Ribel

Konstantin Ribel is a Scrum Master – the first fomenter, or the lone nut, of the LeSS Huge adoption at BMW Group’s Autonomous Driving division.

Konstantin worked in various engineering fields such as complex hardware design, embedded SW development and project management in United Kingdom and Germany.

He is convinced that today’s organizations need a radical structural change to shift mindsets, and unleash collective intelligence. His vision is to foster organizations where human intelligence and efforts are highly respected.

Strong desire to learn and question the status quo helped him in bringing LeSS Huge to BMW Group’s Autonomous Driving division.

Robert Briese - LeSS Trainer LinkedIn profile.
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